
  • Created by: Ciera
  • Created on: 17-03-13 15:04
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  • Bacteria and Yeast
    • Bacterial Cells
      • Bacteria  are single celled living organisms which are made up of a cytoplasm surrounded by a membrane and a cell wall and inside is the genetic material. The genes are contained in the cytoplasm instead of the nucleus.
        • Many bacterial cells also contain plasmids which are circular bits of DNA, and also flagella- a long protein strand used to move the cell about.
          • Some bacteria is harmful whereas some is useful to us, for example in the making of certain foods and medicine.
    • Yeast
      • Yeast are single celled organisms which has a nucleus containing the genetic material, a cytoplasm and  a membrane surrounded by a cell wall.
        • Yeast reproduces through asexual budding which involves a new yeast cell growing out from the original cell to form a new, separate yeast organism.
      • Yeast cells are specialized to be able to survive for a long time. When there is oxygen they use aerobic respiration in which they use oxygen to break down sugar to provide energy for the cell with water and carbon dioxide as waste products. However, when there is little oxygen, yeast can use anaerobic respiration. When sugar is broken down in the absence of oxygen, ethanol and carbon dioxide is produced. This is sometimes called fermentation.


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