
  • Created by: amy_mair
  • Created on: 19-06-16 21:06
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  • Ecosystems
    • B7.5
      • Human impacts on ecosystems
        • 1. Farmers use fertilisers to give plants extra nutrience
        • 2. Humans take biomass out of ecosystems for their own use
        • 3. Humans often clear natural areas of vegetation in ecosystems this means that they can grow agricultral crops and raise livestock
        • 4. Human activitities create non recyclable waste which can not be reused
        • Humans are not closed loop systems
          • 1. Human systems create non- recyclable waste
          • 2. Many human systems use fossil fuels such as crude oil as an energy source
      • Managing Ecosystems
        • Humans rely on ecosystems
          • 1. Ecosystems provide us with clean air, water and food
          • 2. They provide humans with fertile soil
          • Most crop production also needs pollination. It is an ecosystem service
        • Humans need to use resources in sustainable ways
          • 1. Sustainaility means meeting the needs of todays population without harming the environment for future generations
          • 2. One part of this is using natural resources at a rate which they can be replaced naturally
            • 1. Fishing quotas have been introduced. This means that they will still be around in the future
            • 2. To make the production of wood and paper sustainable people have to plant new trees for each they chop down
        • Sunlight
          • 1. The suns energy is sustainable because it can not be used up by human activities
          • It can be used to make a sustainable profit of food by photosynthesis
          • Can be used for sustainable agriculture
        • Conserving natural ecosystems
          • 1. Sometimes communities have to decide between causing damage to an ecosystem to get the resources they  need and protecting an ecosystem
          • 2. For example population growth in many areas means that more people have to be fed
          • 3. This causes tensions as people have to decide if it is worth increasing food production
    • Perfect Closed loop systems
      • 1. In a perfect closed loop system, all the outputs from processes or strores within the system are recycled- they are used as inputs
      • 2, There are no outputs from a perfect closed loop system ( there is no waste) and there are no inputs to it
      • 3. However most systems are not perfect closed loops they have inputs to them and outputs from them too
    • Closed loop systems
      • Ecosystems are an example of this
      • 1. Oxygen is a waste product which is produced by plants during photosynthesis. It is used by plants, animals as a reactant during respiration
      • 2. Carbon dioxide is a waste product of respiration yet used by plants in photosynthesis
      • 3. Dead organic matter is used by microorganisms as food
      • 4. Mineral nutrients are produced by microorganisms when their digestive enzyme breaks down organic matter
      • 5. Many organisms produce large quantities of reproductive structures
    • Stable ecosystems
      • 1. No ecosystem is a perfect closed loop system because some outputs are always lost
      • 2. In a stable ecosystem losses are balanced by gains
      • 3. Large amounts of vegetation grow in stable ecosystems


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