
  • Created by: amy_mair
  • Created on: 19-06-16 20:04
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  • B7.3
    • Controlling Body Temperature
      • Body Warms up
        • 3. Effectors for example sweat glands produce a responce
        • 2. The hypothalamus acts as the processing centre- it recieves information from the temperature receptors and triggers the effectors automatically
        • 1. Temperature receptors detect that the core body temperature is too high
      • Body Cools Down
        • 1. Temperature receptors detect that core body temperature is too low
        • 2. The hypothalamus acts as a processing center- it receives information the temperature receptors and triggers the effectors automatically
        • 3. Effectors for example muscles produce a responce
      • How does it alter temperature
        • Different responces are produced by effectors to counteract an increase or decrease in body temperature
        • The body heats up
          • 1. Blood vessels close to the skins surface get bigger in diameter- this is called vasodilation. This means that more blood gets to the surface of the skin. The warm blood then loses more of its heat to the surroundings
          • 2. Your sweat glands produce more sweat- when the water in sweat evaporates heat is used, which cools the body. If you sweat a lot, your core body temperature will increase
        • The body cools down
          • 1. Blood vessels close to the skin surface get smaller in diameter-called vasoconstriction. This means that less blood gets to the surface of the skin, which stops the blood loosing as much to the surroundings
          • You shiver- your muscles contract rapidly. This increases the rate of respiration and warms the tissue surrounding the muscles
    • Controlling Blood Sugar
      • Insulin- controls blood sugar level
        • 1. Eating foods hat are high in simple sugars cause your blood sugar to rise rapidly
        • 2. This is because simple sugars are digested and absorbed into your blood really quickly
        • 3, The level of sugar in your blood needs to be kept steady
        • 4. When the blood sugar level gets too high, the pancreas releases insulin which causes sugar to be removed from teh blood
      • Diabetes
        • Type 1 Diabetes
          • 1. Type 1 diabetes is where the pencreas stops producing insulin
          • 2. This means that the blood sugar level of a person suffering from type 1 diabetes can rise to a dangerous level
          • 3. It is controlled by insulin therapu- this usually involves injecting insulin into the blood
        • Type 2 Diabetes
          • Type 2 diabetes is sometimes called late onset diabetes
          • This type of diabetes occurs when the body no longer responds to its own insulin, or it does not make enough insulin
          • It can be controlled by exercising and eating a carefully controlled diet
  • Body Warms up
    • 3. Effectors for example sweat glands produce a responce
    • 2. The hypothalamus acts as the processing centre- it recieves information from the temperature receptors and triggers the effectors automatically
    • 1. Temperature receptors detect that the core body temperature is too high


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