B5-Communicable disease

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  • B5-Communicable disease
    • Viral diseases
      • HIV (Humans)
        • Initially the person has flu-like symptoms and can develop into AIDS
        • HIV is spread by direct sexual contact or the exchange of bodily fluids such as blood by sharing needles
        • HIV can be controlled with antiretroviral drugs
        • Can be an STD
      • Measles (Humans)
        • Main symptoms are a fever and a red skin rash
        • Spread by inhalation of droplets from coughs and sneezes and is very infectious
      • Tobacco mosaic virus (Plants)
        • Mainly affects tomato and tobacco plants
        • Causes a distinctive mosaic pattern of discolouration on the plants
        • Affects the growth of the plant because the plant cannot carry photosynthesis as well
    • Health and disease
      • Other factors can also affect health: Diet, stress and life situations
      • Communicable dieases are diseases caused by pathogens that can be passed on from one person to another
        • Non-communicable diseases are diseases that cannot be transmitted from one person to another
      • Health is a state of physical and mental wellbeing
    • Pathogens
      • Spread: By air, direct contact, by water
        • Vectors are organisms that spread the protist disease but don't get it themselves
      • 4 types: Protist (Malaria), Fungi (Athlete's foot), Virus (HIV), Prokaryote (bacteria) (Leprosy)
      • Pathogens are microorganisms that cause disease
    • Bacteria and viruses
      • Bacteria rapidly divide by splitting into two (binary fission). They produce toxins that affect your body making you feel ill
        • Can be treated with antibiotics
      • Viruses take over the cells of your body and live and reproduce in the cells, damaging and destroying them
    • Bacterial diseases
      • Gonorrhea
        • Is an STD
        • Spread by unprotected sex
        • Symptoms include: Thick yellow/green discharge from penis or vagina and pain during urination
      • Salmonella (Food poisoning)
        • Symptoms are fever, abdominal cramps, vomiting, diarrhoea created by the bacteria and toxins they secrete
        • In UK poultry are vaccinated against salmonella
    • Fungal diseases
      • Rose black spot is a fungal disease of rose leaves that causes black or purple spots to develop and the leaves turn yellow and drop off early
        • Less photosynthesis can happen which means plant doesn't grow as well
          • Carried in the wind or by water
        • Gardeners treat the disease using chemical fungicides, ********* and burning affected leaves and stems so it cannot spread
    • Diseases cause by protists
      • Malaria is a disease caused by protists that are parasites
        • Causes repeating episodes of fever
          • Prevented with: mosquito nets, insecticides, antimalarial drugs
      • Mosquitoes are vectors
    • Human defence systems
      • First line of defence
        • Made up of the skin, nose, trachea and bronchi, and stomach acid
          • If you cut or damage your skin your skin restores it and prevents you from bleeding, produces antimicrobial secretions to destroy pathogenic bacteria
            • Healthy skin is covered with microorganisms that help keep you healthy and act as an extra barrier
          • The stomach produces hydrochloric acid which destroys microorganisms and mucus swallowed as well as majority of other pathogens
          • The trachea and bronchi also secrete mucus and the lining of the tubes are covered in cilia which sweep mucus to the throat and is swallowed
          • Nose is full of hairs and produces mucus which traps particles that may contain pathogens
      • Second line of defence
        • White blood cells (phagocytes)
          • WIP PAPA
            • White blood cells, ingest, pathogens, produce antibodies, produce, antitoxins
          • 1. White blood cells can ingest pathogens and destroy them; phagocytosis
            • 2. Each pathogen has a unique set of proteins on its surface called antigens. White blood cells produce antibodies which is specific to that antigen
              • Once your white blood cells have produced antibodies against a specific pathogen, they can be made quickly if that pathogen gets back into the body
              • 3. White blood cells can produce antitoxins which counteract the toxins released by pathogens
    • Plants
      • Mineral ions
        • Plants need mineral ions from the soil. If there aren't enough, plants suffer from deficiency symptoms
          • 1. Nitrates are needed to make proteins and therefore growth. A lack of nitrates causes a stunted growth
            • 2. Magnesium ions are needed to make chlorophyll, without it photosynthesis cannot happen and the plant suffers from chlorosis and has yellow leaves
      • Plants defences
        • Physical: 1. Waxy cuticles; stops pathogens entering. 2 Cell walls which forms physical barrier after waxy cuticle. 3. layers of dead cell which act as barrier
        • Chemical: 1. Some can produce antibacterial chemicals which kill bacteria e.g. mint plant=witch hazel. 2. Others produce poisons which deter herbivores e.g tobacco plants
        • Mechanical barriers: 1. Some plants have thorns and hairs. 2. Some have leaves that curl which knock off insects. 3. Some mimic other organisms


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