B3 - Living and Growing

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  • B3 - Living and Growing
    • Cells
      • Animal cell structures are much simpler than plant cells. They contain 5 structures: Nucleus, Cell Membrane, Ribosome, Cytoplasm and Mitochondria.
      • Plant cell structures have all the same structures of a animal cell and also a few more: Chloroplasts, Cell Wall, Vacuole.
      • Bacterial cells are much different to the other ones. They are much smaller and simpler.
        • They do not have chloroplasts or mitochondria. Bacterial cells do not have a nucleus and instead they have a single strand of DNA that floats in the cytoplasm.
    • DNA
      • DNA molecules contain a genetic code that determines which proteins are built.
        • Three base pairs make up an amino acid. This amino acid makes up a protein which is the gene.
          • Each of these proteins codes for something different.
          • Proteins are made up of chains of amino acids.
            • These proteins are all different.
        • Proteins are made up of chains of amino acids.
          • These proteins are all different.
      • Chromosones are long molecules of DNA
        • There are 4 base pairs, which will code for the proteins. These are A-T and C-G.
          • A nucleotide contains a molecule which is called a base.
      • Watson and Crick discovered DNA in 1953.


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