B2~ Biology4

  • Created by: xmishaal
  • Created on: 10-06-15 19:30
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  • B2~ Biology4
    • Sustainable development:
      • Sustainable Development: Providing for the needs for today's increasing population without harming the environment.
      • Fishing Quotas have been introduced to prevent fish like cod from becoming extinct in certain areas.
      • There are laws insisting that logging companies plant new trees to replace those that have been cut down.
      • Whales have commercial value meaning that they can be used to make money when they're alive and dead. They a tourist attraction and whale meat and oil can be used. Cosmetics can be made from the waxy substance in their intestines.Leading to them becoming extinct.
      • The International Whaling Commission is trying to restrict whaling. Taking a small number of whales (culling) for scientific research is allowed.
      • Whales are kept in captivity: They don't have much space and they're sometimes used for entertainment;Whales shouldn't lose their freedom. Captive breeding programmes allow whales to be bred and released back to the wild.
      • Research on captive whales can help us understand their needs to help conservation. it helps us understand their migration patterns whale communication and etc...
    • Endangered species
      • Species are at risk of extinction if these things fall below the critical level: The number f habitats, The number of individuals and Genetic variation.
      • Conservation programmes: Designed to save endangered species, they involve protecting habitats, creating artificial ones and captive breeding.
      • How successful is a conservation programme-evaluate: Genetic variation, viability of populations/inbreeding, available habitats and interaction between species.
      • How conservation programmes help humans: Protecting the human food supply, ensuring there is only minimal damage to the food chains, providing future medicines, and culturally an organism may be important to an area.
    • Human Impact on the environment
      • Exponentially: Increasing very quickly Population Increase: When the birth rate is higher than the death rate.
      • Global Warming: Fossil fuels release CO2 when they are burned. Greenhouse gases trap heat in the atmosphere increasing global warming. People are now trying to reduce their carbon footprint.
      • Acid rain: When fossil fuels are burned SO2 is also released. when SO2 reacts with water it forms acid rain. Acid rain damages tree and plants and is makes lakes more acidic. It also damages statues.
      • Ozone depletion: CFC's break down the ozone layer allowing more uv rays to reach earth and increasing the risk of skin cancer. Uv rays may also kill plankton and damage sea ecosystems.
      • By looking for indicator species you can tell if an area is polluted or not.
      • Lichens: Used to monitor air quality. The cleaner the air the more lichens will survive there. Mayfly Larvae: Used to monitor water quality. The cleaner the water the more likely they will survive there. Water lice, rat-tailed maggots: They survive in polluted waters but slugeworms indicate a lot of pollution.
      • Indicator species don't tell us how polluted an area is. However there are other methods- sensitive instruments measure the concentration of chemical pollutants & satellite data.


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