
  • Created by: Wymer-7
  • Created on: 22-04-14 15:08
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  • B1
    • Diet and Exercise
      • Blood pressure has 2 readings, systolic and diastolic
        • Smoking, a high alcohol intake and a diet rich in saturated fats can increase Blood pressure
        • High Blood pressure can damage the brain and kidneys
      • Being fit is the ability to partake in exercise,
    • Homeostasis and plant hormones
      • Homeostasis is maintaining a constant internal environment
  • Being fit is the ability to partake in exercise,
  • Being healthy is being free from disease
    • Diet and Exercise
      • Blood pressure has 2 readings, systolic and diastolic
        • Smoking, a high alcohol intake and a diet rich in saturated fats can increase Blood pressure
        • High Blood pressure can damage the brain and kidneys
  • A balanced siet will vary depending on age, activity, religion and personal choice
    • The EAR test can be used to calculate protein requirements
  • The BMI test can be used to indicate being underweight as well as obesity
    • A balanced siet will vary depending on age, activity, religion and personal choice
      • The EAR test can be used to calculate protein requirements
  • This depends on age and pregnancy
    • Drugs and Disease
      • B1
        • Homeostasis and plant hormones
          • Homeostasis is maintaining a constant internal environment
      • Harmful drugs are classified into Class A, B, and C
      • Depressant and Stimulant drugs affect the nervous system by affecting transmission across synapses
      • The mosquito is a vector that carries malaria
      • Plasmodium is the pathogen that causes Malaria
    • Harmful drugs are classified into Class A, B, and C
    • Depressant and Stimulant drugs affect the nervous system by affecting transmission across synapses
    • High levels of alcohol can cause cirrhosis of the liver
      • Drugs and Disease
        • The mosquito is a vector that carries malaria
        • Plasmodium is the pathogen that causes Malaria
    • Immunisation protects against certain diseases by using harmless pathogens
      • Changes in lifestyle can reduce the risk of some cancers
        • It is a parasite and the human is the host
          • Automatic systems in the body keep water, temperature and CO2 levels constant
            • Vasodialation and vasoconstriction control body temperature
          • The hormone insulin controls blood sugar levels, it converts excess blood sugar into glycogen
            • Automatic systems in the body keep water, temperature and CO2 levels constant
              • Vasodialation and vasoconstriction control body temperature
          • Auxins are a group of plant hormones, they cause curvature by cell elongation
            • These are involved in photo-tropism (response to light) and geotropism (response to gravity)
              • Auxins are a group of plant hormones, they cause curvature by cell elongation
              • The nervous system
                • Light rays are refracted as they pass through the cornea and lens
                  • The eye accommodates by altering the shape of the lens
                    • Long/short sightedness is caused by the eyeball or lens being the wrong shape
                      • Monocular vision has a wider field of view, but poorer distance judgement than binocularvision
              • A nerve impulse travels along the axon of a neutrone
                • The nervous system
                  • Light rays are refracted as they pass through the cornea and lens
                    • The eye accommodates by altering the shape of the lens
                      • Long/short sightedness is caused by the eyeball or lens being the wrong shape
                        • Monocular vision has a wider field of view, but poorer distance judgement than binocularvision
                • A neurotransmitter substances diffuse across a synapse, so the nerve impulse can pass to the next neurone
                • A spinal refelx involves a receptor, sensory, relay, motor neurones and an effector
              • Variation and inheritance
                • Alleles are different versions of the same gene
                  • Sex is determined by sex chromosomes, ** in female and xy in male
                  • Inherited disorders are caused by faulty alelles
                    • Most faulty alleles are recessive
                • Human body cells have 23 pairs of chromosomes
                • Dominant alleles are expressed if present; recessive are exposed if there is a lack of dominant


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