B1.1 keeping healthy-diet and metabolic rate

  • Created by: ell1e24
  • Created on: 19-02-16 13:06
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  • B1.1 keeping healthy- diet, food and metabolic rate
    • diet and metabolic rate
      • A balanced diet
        • you need enough carbohydrates to release energy
        • enough protein for growth, cell repair and cell growth
        • enough fats to help keep you warm and release energy
        • tiny amounts of various vitamins and mineral ions to keep skin, bones, blood and everything else healthy
      • varying energy needs
        • you need energy to fuel the chemical reactions in the body that keep you alive
          • these reactions are called your metabolism and the speed at which they occur your metabolic rate
        • muscle needs more energy than fatty tissue
          • meaning that those with a higher ratio of muscle to fat will have a higher metabolic rate
        • physically bigger people are likely to have a higher metabolic rate than those smaller than them as they require more energy as they have more cells
        • men usually have a higher metabolic rate than women
        • regular exercise can boost your resting metabolic rate as it builds muscle
      • when you exercise you need more energy- so your metabolic rate goes up during exercise and stays high afterwards for some time
      • so the more active job you have the more energy you require
    • Factors affecting health
      • the effects of eating too much
        • too much fat or carbohydrate in your diet can lead to obesity
      • the effects of eating too little
        • effects can vary depending on what was missing from the diet
        • slow growth in children
        • fatigue
        • poor resistance to infection
        • irregular periods in women
        • lack of vitamins/minerals can cause deficiency diseases
      • people are said to be malnourished when their diet is out of balance
      • A lack of exercise
        • exercise increases the amount of energy the body uses and decreases the amount of fat. It also boosts metabolic rate.
          • so less likely to suffer from health risks associated with obesity
        • people can be physically fit but not healthy
      • inherited factors
        • some people can inherit factors that effect their metabolic rate
        • underactive thyroid gland, which would lower metabolic rate and cause obesity
        • can inherit factors that affect their blood cholesterol levels
          • high blood cholesterol can lead to coronary heart disease as well as other problems


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