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  • Biology 1
    • Blood pressure
      • measured in millimetres of mercury (mmHg)
      • Systolic = maximum pressure heart can produce
      • dystolic pressure= pressure between heart beats
      • Low BP- balanced diet and regularly excersizing
        • Low blood pressure can cause dizziness and fainting because of reduced blood supply to the brain and poor blood circulation to toes and fingure
    • Fitness and health
      • Fitness= ability to do physical activity for a long time
        • Fitness could    be measured by cardiovascular  efficiency  how effectively the circulatory system delivers oxygen to the rest of the body through the bloodstream. .
      • Health= being free from diseases
    • Smoking
      • Carbon monoxide in cigarette smoke decreases the oxygen carrying capacity of and so heart rate increases do that it delivers enough oxygen to the tissues
        • 1) Carbon monoxide mixes with haemoglobin  preventing haemoglobin from with mixing from oxygen.
          • 2) This means that less oxygen is carried and the heart rate increases so that the tissues receive enough oxygen and therefore increasing blood pressure
            • nicotine directly increase the blood pressure because it is a stimulant
    • Diet and heart disease
      • Heart disease is caused by restricted blood flow to the heart because of narrowing of the arteries
        • Risk of heart disease is increased by = Smoking, saturated fats in diet and high salt in diet
          • 1. smoking causes heart disease>>>>carbon monoxide mixes with haemoglobin preventing it from mixing with oxygen and hence increasing BP so that oxygen is delivered to all the tissues. HBP scars the arteries because of the force of blood flow. Damaged cells accumulate circulating fats which then causes build up of cholestrol and narrowing the arteries.
          • saturated fats>>>salt retains water on diet and so volume of blood increases. There is more blood for the heart to pump around and so BP increases and plaque (cholesterol) collects in coronary artery.
          • Saturated fats >>> Cholesterol builds up on the walls of arteries and this then narrows arteries and restricts blood flow and increases the blood pressure.
        • Narrowing of heart arteries, cause by plaques in the coronary artery, to cause clotting or thrombosis which also blocks arteries
    • Human health and diet
      • Diet
        • Protein>>> for growth and repair
        • Fats= for insulation
        • Fibre= constipation
        • water= hydration
        • minerals and vitamins to stay healthy
        • Carbohydrates= energy but too much = heart disease= heart attack
    • Balanced diet
      • Food storage
        • Enzymes make carbohydrates into glucose
          • Enzymes break down foods e.g. polymers to monomers
            • Enzymes speed up the rate of reaction
        • GLUCOSE
          • When glucose levels are too high
            • 1. pancreas produces insulin
              • 2. insulin coverts the glucose into glycogen and stores it in the liver
          • When glucose levels are too low
            • 1. Pancreas produces glucagon
              • 2. glucagon coverts the glycogen into glucose
        • Carbohydrates are stored in the liver
        • fats are stored  under the skin and around the organs as adipose tissues
        • proteins cannot be stored in the body
          • 1st class protein= from fish and meat=essential amino acid= cannot be taken from the body
          • 2nd class protein= some can be made by body= comes from plants
          • Needed for growth and repair and when fats and carbs are not available provides energy
            • In lLDC there is a shortage of crops because of extreme weather conditions and so people will suffer from starvation.
              • 1. Children lack protein in their diet and so their stomachs swell as dissolved proteins hold water in blood stream preventing it from leaking into body tissues.
                • 2.When there is no protein tissues absorb water and the body cannot absorb this excess water causing the swelling in the abdomen
          • EAR= mass in kg/ height in m2


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