austerity britain

  • Created by: emily997
  • Created on: 24-04-14 19:38
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  • Austerity Britain
    • After the war there was a strong sense of duty, deference, morals and community
    • People lacked luxuries, made do and the mass media of this time; newspaper, radio, cinema mostly reflected this.
    • Kynaston reflected the above popular views of 1945-55, in his book "Austerity Britain"
    • TV broadcasting begun after war hiatus in June 1946
    • By 1951, 90% of British households owned a radio and from BBC's monopoly on radio can assume BBC was v influential
    • The Green Book-1948, the BBC Variety Programme Policy Guide reflected Lord Reith's set of standards; banned certain words
    • BBFC: British Board of Film Censors (independent NGO): was similar to BBC's 'Green Book', set up in 1972. Prevented bad language, sex and subversive ideas from reaching British audience.
    • Newspapers = rise of press barons such as Beaverbrook; competition in newspapers
    • A circulation war between tabloids and broadsheets led to the dumbing down of newspaper stories; less political coverage and more human interest stories
    • Broadsheets like 'The Time's relied on revnue from advertising which advertised luxury goods to elite and wealthy auidence
    • Tabloids had to rely on money from sales alone.
    • Most daytime radio shows e.g. Women's Hour were aimed at women; highlights traditional gender roles not promotes


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