
  • Created by: millmona
  • Created on: 17-01-18 11:27
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  • Attraction
    • Factors that affect attraction in Romantic relationships.
      • Self disclosure: sharing information about yourself.
        • Collins and Miller's (1994) meta analysis showed that people tend to like someone more if they self-disclose. self disclosing also increases liking of that person.
    • Filter theory developed by Kerckhoff and Davis. It proposes that there are a series of filters that operate at different stages of forming a relationship.
      • Social demographic filter: helps us to navigate the field of availables, based on age and social demographic.
      • Complementary filter: relationships will progress if both partners are fulfilling each others needs.
      • Similarity in attitudes filter: helps to narrow down the filed of availables. These are people who we see as having potential relationships with. Based on similar attitudes and beliefs.
      • Kerchoff and Davis (1962) surveyed female students and their male partners who were considering marriage. Found that couples together 18+ months complimented each others needs and so they were able to sustain a long term relationship.
        • Similarity in attitudes filter: helps to narrow down the filed of availables. These are people who we see as having potential relationships with. Based on similar attitudes and beliefs.
        • Complementary filter: relationships will progress if both partners are fulfilling each others needs.
    • The Matching Hypothesis.
      • Walster et al (1966) proposed that people tend to choose their partners who are as attractive as themselves.
        • Computer dance: tickets sold to 376 men and women, when they collected their tickets, students ranked them based on attractiveness. The participants were randomly allocated. 4-6 months later, questionnaires were sent out to see if they'd gone out on any dates.
          • Strengths: Murstein replicated Walster's study and found a strong correlation between the attractiveness of the 2 partners.
          • Negatives: The results from Walster's study did not correlate with the matching hypothesis.
  • Physical attractiveness: Cunningham (1986) asked 75 males to rate attractiveness of women based on 50 photos.
    • He found several features correlated positively with attractiveness. EG- large eyes, small chins.
    • Factors that affect attraction in Romantic relationships.
      • Self disclosure: sharing information about yourself.
        • Collins and Miller's (1994) meta analysis showed that people tend to like someone more if they self-disclose. self disclosing also increases liking of that person.


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