Attitudes to food (mood & culture)

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  • Attitudes to food (mood & culture)
    • Cultural influences
      • Powell and Khan - body dissatisfaction is more characteristic of white women than black/asian women.
      • Ball and Kenardy - studied over 14,000 18-23 Women living in Australia. results showed for all ethnic groups, the longer time spent in Australia the most they reported eating behaviors similar to Australians. - Acculturation effect.
      • Dornbusch et al surveyed 7000 adolescent Americans, finding higher class individuals had a greater desire to be thin, and were more likely to diet to achieve this.
    • Binge eating - a temporary escape from negative mood.
      • Davis et al conducted a self monitoring study, showing that 1 hour before a binge, bulimic individuals had a more negative mood states than 1 hour before a normal snack/meal.
      • Wegner et al had students record their eating behaviour over a 2 week period. binge days were generally characterised by low mood, compared to non binge days. although there was no change in mood before/after a binge. suggesting that mood may make binge eating more likely, but it does not alleviate the low mood state.
    • Comfort eating - the experience of eating junk food when feeling low strikes a familiar chord.
      • Garg et al observed the food choices of 38 participants as they watched either an upbeat happy film, or a sad depressing one. participants were offered buttered popcorn or seedless grapes throughout the film. those watching a sad film ate 36% more popcorn.
        • Garg et al claimed that people who feel sad want to 'jolt themselves out of the dumps' therefore are more likely to go for a snack that tastes good to give themselves a rush of euphoria. although when the participants were offered nutritional information about the foods prior to viewing, consumption of relatively unhealthy food dropped dramatically.


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