Attitudes to food and eating behaviour

  • Created by: Abw97
  • Created on: 10-10-15 19:01
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  • Attitudes to food and eating behaviour
    • Social Learning
      • Parental modeling - control the food bought in the house and what the child eats.
        • Brown and Ogden - correlation between parents and children in terms of snack food intake and eating motivation and body dissatisfaction
          • Meyer and Gast - supports idea that social learning plays important role - surveyed 10-12 yr B+G = correlation between peer influence and disordered eating. Most important factor being the likeability of peers.
      • Media effects - social learning is evident in tv and other media e.g magazines.
        • MacIntyre et al - media has major impact on both what we eat and the attitudes we have to certain foods. Also that eating behaviours are limited by personal circumstance age, income.
          • Much more than social learning - the media social learning explanation focuses on fashion models ect, However there are other explanations such as evolutionary. - which suggest our preference to fatty foods is a result of evolved adaptation in ancestors.
    • Cultural Influences
      • Ethnicity - (Powell) Body dissatisfaction& eating disorders are more common in white women that black or Asian women.
        • Ball and Kennerdy - 14000+ women 18-24 yr old. + All ethnic groups, longer spent in Australia, the more there eating behaviours were similar to those women born in Australia.
          • Mumford et al - incidence of bulimia was larger in Asian women than black or white women.
          • Striegel-Moore et al = More evidence for drive for thinness in black girls than white girls.
      • Social Class - body dissatisfaction, dieting behaviour and eating disorders are more common in higher class individuals.
        • Dornbusch et al - 7000 American teens + concluded higher class females had greater desire to be thin than lower class and were more likely to diet to achieve this.
          • Story et al - Found in american students, higher class were happier with weight and had less rates of weight control behaviours e.g vomiting.
    • Mood and Eating Behaviours
      • Binge eating and comfort eating  - Individuals with Bulimia Nervosa  complain of anxiety before a binge.
        • Davis et al - Bulimic individuals had more of a negative mood one hour before a binge than one hour before a normal meal.
          • Garg et al - Found that when watching sad/upbeat fil participants watching the sad film consumed 36% more popcorn than those watching the upbeat film. Upbeat film ate more grapes to extend happy feeling. Sad film ate more nice tasting foods (popcorn) to jolt them into a happy mood.
    • IDA
      • Gender Bias - Most studies just concern womens' attitudes to eating behaviour. However studies in men have shown homosexuality to be a risk factor in developing disordered eating (Siever)


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