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  • Explenations of attachment
    • Learning theory
      • Clasical  conditioning - association of a stimulus w/ a response - food (ucs) creates pleasure (ucr) feeder becomes associated w/ food, feeder eventually produces pleasure w/o food
        • the association between the indic and the sense of pleasure is the attachment bond - attachment is characterised by the infant seeking proximity to this indic
      • Operant conditioning - attachment through reinforcement - dollars and miller -when hungry = drive state = crying = being fed = drive reduction- .'. sees food as reward - food = primary reinforcer; feeder = secondary reinforcer
        • infant then seeks to be w/ the feeder = attached
      • can provide adequate explanation for attachment
      • food may not be main reinforcer
    • Harlow - monkeys = comfort over food
      • food may not be main reinforcer
    • schaffer and emerson - observed infants = most attached to indic who was most responsive and interactive w/ them
      • Learning theory
        • Clasical  conditioning - association of a stimulus w/ a response - food (ucs) creates pleasure (ucr) feeder becomes associated w/ food, feeder eventually produces pleasure w/o food
          • the association between the indic and the sense of pleasure is the attachment bond - attachment is characterised by the infant seeking proximity to this indic
        • Operant conditioning - attachment through reinforcement - dollars and miller -when hungry = drive state = crying = being fed = drive reduction- .'. sees food as reward - food = primary reinforcer; feeder = secondary reinforcer
          • infant then seeks to be w/ the feeder = attached
        • can provide adequate explanation for attachment


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