
this is mainly for my personal use but feel free to use if it helps you with anything :)

  • Created by: tiaayana
  • Created on: 05-05-20 17:25
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  • attachment
    • definition:
      • an emotional bond between two people in which each seeks closeness and feels more secure when in the presence of the attachment figure
    • why do we get attached?:
      • according to Schaffer & Emmerson's (1964) study, an infant formed am attachment bond to a care-giver when the care-giver was responsive to their needs.
        • the study concluded that it did not solely rely on time spent with the infant
    • who do we become attached to?:
      • development of attachment is a result of interaction between 2 people and the desire to seek proximity due to feeling a sense of security
      • in Schaffer & Emmerson's study, they found that 65% of the babies they observed had a primary attachment to their mothers
    • key words:
      • reciprocity
        • both the care-giver and the infant being able to produce responses to each other due to interaction
          • this influences a child's physical, social and cognitive development
            • research study:
              • Jaffe et al. found that from birth, babies move in a rhythm when interacting with adults, almost as if they were taking turn in a conversation
      • interactional synchrony
        • a rhythmic interaction requiring mutual focus, reciprocity and mirroring of emotion or behaviour, creating a form of turn-taking
          • example: a care-giver who laughs in response to their infants giggling sound and tickles them
            • research study:
              • Heimann showed that infants who demonstrate a lot of imitation from birth onwards have been found to have a better quality of realtionship at 3 months
                • it is very difficult to be certain when these observations are taking place as the patterns of interaction are so slight and it can be hard to observe a situation from an infants perspective
                  • Isabella et al. found that infants with secure attachments exhibited interactional synchrony during their first year of life
              • Isabella et al. found that infants with secure attachments exhibited interactional synchrony during their first year of life


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