  • Created by: rhiglynn
  • Created on: 01-03-16 11:36
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  • ATP
    • ATP is the immediate source of energy in a cell
      • Plant and animal cells release energy from glucose in respiration
      • A cell cant get its energy directly from glucose
      • So, during respiration, the energy released is used to make ATP
      • ATP is made up of adenine, ribose sugar and 3 phosphate groups.
      • ATP then diffuses to the part of the cell that needs the energy
        • The energy in ATP is stored in high energy bonds between the phosphate groups. It is released via hydrolysis reactions.
    • ATP is made and used quickly
      • When energy is needed by a cell, ATP is broken down into ADP and an inorganic phosphate.
        • This is a hydrolysis reaction.
          • As phosphate bond is broken, energy is released.
            • Catalysed by the reaction ATP hydrolase
              • This can be coupled to other energy- requiring reactions- so energy released can directly be used to make the coupled reaction happen, rather than being lost as heat.
      • The inorganic phosphate can be added to another compound
        • Phosphorylation, often makes the compound more reactive.
        • ATP can be re-synthesised in a condensation reaction with ADP and an inorganic phosphate.
          • This happens during photosynthesis and respiration and is catalysed by the enzyme ATP synthase.
      • ATP can be re-synthesised in a condensation reaction with ADP and an inorganic phosphate.
        • This happens during photosynthesis and respiration and is catalysed by the enzyme ATP synthase.


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