
  • Created by: rcowling
  • Created on: 07-09-15 12:09
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    • Atomic Structure
      • Elements
        • What is an element?
        • How many different elements are there?
        • Where are elements found?
      • Atoms are represented by a chemical symbol.  What is the symbol for oxygen?  Sodium?
      • Atoms have a small central nucleus.  What is in it?  What is around it?  What is the charge on these particles?
      • All atoms of a particular element have the same number of protons.  This is its atomic number.  How many protons are there in a carbon atom?
        • The mass number is the number of protons plus neutrons.  How many neutrons are there in a carbon atom with a mass number of 14?
      • electrons are arranged in energy levels or shells.  What is the arrangement of electrons in a carbon atom?
    • The Periodic Table
      • Elements in the same group of the periodic table have the same number of electrons in their outer shell.  How many electrons are in the outer shell of nitrogen and phosphorous?
        • This gives them similar chemical properties.  What are the chemical properties of group 1?  Group 8 (the noble gases)?
    • Chemical Reactions
      • No atoms are lost or made during a chemical reaction, so the mass of the products equals the mass of the reactants.
      • When elements react, their atoms join with other atoms to form compounds.
        • If electrons are shared, this forms a covalent compound.  Molecules are covalent compounds.  Name two compounds which exist as molecules.
          • Chemical reactions can be represented by word equations or by symbol equations. Give the equation for water forming when hydrogen gas reacts with oxygen gas.
        • If a metal and a non-metal react, they form ions.  Electrons are given away or taken to form ions.  What is the chemical name for the ionic compound you might sprinkle on your dinner?
          • Chemical reactions can be represented by word equations or by symbol equations. Give the equation for water forming when hydrogen gas reacts with oxygen gas.


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