Atomic Structure

Combined Science

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  • Atomic Structure
    • Development of the Atom Model
      • Current Model of the Atom
        • the nucleus is tiny but takes up most of the mass of the atom - contains protons(+charge) and neutrons(neutral charge)
          • overall positive charge
          • radius is 10,000 times smaller than an atom
        • negative electrons whizz around the outside of the nucleus
        • radius of atom = 1 x 10^-10
        • number of electrons = number of protons
        • if electrons gain energy by absorbing EM radiation they move to a higher energy level - further from the nucleus
        • if electrons release EM radiation they mover to a lower energy level nearer the nucleus
        • if one or more electrons leave the atom becomes a positively charged ion
      • Rutherford
        • replaced the plum pudding model with the nuclear model
        • alpha scattering experiment -  tried firing a beam of alpha particles at thin gold foil
          • expected particles to pass straight through the gold sheet or only be slightly deflected
          • most of the particles went straight through the sheet but some were deflected more than expected, some were deflected back the way they had come
        • because a few particles were deflected back, the scientists realised that most of the mass of the atom must be concentrated at the center in a tiny nucleus
          • the nucleus must have positive charge - it repelled the positive alpha particles
        • nearly all the alpha particles passed straight through - most of the atom is empty space
      • J J Thomson
        • discovered the electrons
        • suggested atoms were spheres of positive charge with tiny negative electrons stuck to them like fruit in a plum pudding
        • plum pudding model
    • Half-life
      • the time taken for the number of radioactive nuclei in an isotope to halve
      • graph*
        • the half life is found from the graph by finding the time interval on the bottom axis corresponding to a halving of the activity on the vertical axis
      • radioactivity
        • radioactive substances always give out radiation from their nuclei
        • radiation can be measured with a Geiger-Muller tube and counter - recorded the count-rate - number of radiation counts reaching it per sec
        • cant predict exactly which nucleus in a sample will decay next or when anyone of them are going to decay - completely random
        • half life can be used to make predictions about the radioactive sources - even though their decays are random
        • when a radioactive nucleus decays to be come stable the activity will decrease
        • for some isotopes it takes a few hours before all the unstable nuclei have decayed - others last millions of years
        • problem with trying to measure it - the activity never reaches 0 - why we have to use half-life
      • can be used to find the rate a source decays - its ACTIVITY
        • measured in becquerels - Bq
      • can also be described as the time taken for the activity to fall to half its initial value
    • Dangers of Radiation
      • irradiation
        • exposure to radiation
        • objects near radiation are irradiated by it
        • irritating  something doesnt make it radioactive
        • methods of reducing irradiation - keeping sources in lead-lined boxes and standing behind barriers
      • contamination
        • radioactive particles getting onto objects
        • the contaminated atomsmight decay, releasing radiation which can cause harm
        • dangerous as radioactive particles could get inside your body
        • gloves and tongs should be used when holding sources - some use protective suits
      • ionising radiation can enter living cells and ionise atoms within them - damages the cells or kills them
      • different types of radiation cause different amounts of harm
        • outside the body - beta and gamma are most dangerous
          • they can penetrate the body and get to the delicate organs
          • alpha is less dangerous as it cant pernitrate the skinand is easily blocked by a small air gap
        • high levels of irradiation from all sources are dangerous - but especially beta and gamma
        • inside the body - alpha sources are most dangerous
          • they do all their damage in very localised areas - contamination rather than irradiation is the major concern
          • beta sources are less damaging as radiation is absorbed over a wider area and some passes out of the body
          • gamma sources are the least dangerous inside the body as they mostly pass straight out
    • Isotopes
      • isotopes of an element are atoms with the same number of protons but a different number of neutrons
      • all elements have different isotopes - usually only one or two stable ones
      • unstable isotopes tend to decay into other elements and give out radiation as they try to become stable - radioactive decay
      • radioactive substances spit out one or more types of ionising radiation from their nucleus. theycan also release neutrons to rebalance the protons and neutrons
      • ionising radiation is radiation that knocks electrons off atoms creating + ions. the ionising power of a radiation source is how easily it can do this
    • types of radiation
      • Gamma
        • waves of electromagnetic radiation released by the nucleus
        • penetrate far into materials without being stopped and will travel far in the air
        • weakly ionising - cause they pass through rather than collide with atoms
        • if hits something it damages it
        • absorbed by thick sheets of lead or meters of concrete
      • Alpha
        • made from alpha particles being emitted from the nucleus
        • absorbed by a sheet of paper
        • dont penetrate far into materials and are stopped quickly
        • strongly ionising - because of size
      • Beta
        • a fast-moving electron released by the nucleus
        • virtually no mass
        • charge -1
        • moderately ionising
        • pernitrate moderately far into materials before colliding and have range in air of a few meters
        • absorbed by a sheet of aluminum
        • for every beta particle emitted a neutron in the nucleus has turned into a proton
    • nuclear equations
      • a way of showing radioactive decay by using element symbols
      • atom before decay -> atom after decay + radiation emitted
      • the total mass and atomic numbers must be equal on both sides
      • alpha decay
        • alpha particles are made up of two protons and two neutrons
        • when an atom emits an alpha particle its atomic number reduces by 2 and its mass number reduces by 4
        • charge of nucleus decreases
        • an alpha particle can be written as a helium nucleus
      • beta decay
        • a neutron in the nucleus turns into a proton and releases fast-moving electrons
        • the number of protons increases by 1 - this increases the positive charge of the nucleus
        • the mass of the nucleus doesnt change
        • written as 0e-1 in nuclear equations
      • gamma decay
        • a way of getting rid of excess energy from a nucleus
        • theres no change to the atomic mas or atomic number of the atom


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