Atomic mass, number and isotopes

  • Created by: wilby99
  • Created on: 27-01-16 13:42
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  • atomic mass, number and isotopes
    • structure of the atom
      • the number of protons is always the same as the number of electrons
      • when atoms gain or lose electrons they form electrically charged particles called ions
        • loss make a +ion
        • gain makes a -ion
      • electrons are negative
      • protons are positive
      • neutrons have no charge (neu-tral)
    • isotopes
      • the number of protons in the nucleus of an atom is called the atomic number and is at the bottom of the symbol on the table
        • the total number of protons and neutron is called the atomic mass and is at the top of the symbol on the table
          • isotopes have the same mass number but a different atomic number
            • the number of protons in the nucleus of an atom is called the atomic number and is at the bottom of the symbol on the table
              • the total number of protons and neutron is called the atomic mass and is at the top of the symbol on the table
                • isotopes have the same mass number but a different atomic number
      • relative atomic mass
        • relative atomic mass is a convenient way to know how big an atom is without going into miniscule numbers
          • carbon has an Ar of 12, so atoms with an Ar of less than twelve are smaller than carbon
            • chlorines Ar is an average of the different isotopes of chlorine
        • Calculating Ar from isotopic abundance:
      • electrons and periodic table columns
        • the electrons in the outer shell are always the same as the group number
        • the period number is the same as the number of OCCUPIED shells


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