Assess how processes and factors within school can have a significant impact on educational achievement (20 marks)

  • Created by: Henners
  • Created on: 20-01-16 10:52
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  • Assess how processes and factors within school can have a significant impact on educational achievement   (20 marks)
    • Mary Fuller
      • Fuller studied Black girls in a london comprehensive school and found that they were able to reject any negative labels and educational success then became a part of their resistance to teacher labels  (SELF NEGATING PROPHECY).
        • However, Fuller did a study on a group of black girls and found that they managed to overcome the rejection they received which then led them to be motivated and to recieve higher GCSE grades
    • Mairtin Mac an Ghaill
      • Mac an Ghaill refers to the masculinisation of the vocational curriculum. By this he mans how vocational work or training appeals to males, where as girls are taken to more of a lower level courses.
      • The 'Mach Lads' - Hostile to school, and physical work is essential to the development of their identity.
      • The academic achievers - mostly from skilled manual working class backgrounds. Sometimes bullied by the 'mach lads'
      • The 'New enterprisers' - a pro school subculture that accepted a new vocational ethos. They study things such as computing and business.
      • 'Real Englishmen' - Middle class students who are rather up themselves believing in superiority and aspiring to university. Because of this they undermine the lower streamed students creating an inequality.
      • Gay students- They suffer from the homophobic nature of schools, for example Mac an Ghaill realised from his studies that schools took for granted the naturalness of heterosexual relationships and the two parent nuclear family.
    • Paul Willis
      • Willis studied a group of 12 working class boys, and identified two groups. the 'ear 'oles' and the 'lads'.
        • Lads- were a working class boys who withheld a negative attitude towards academic work. They believed that there was no equality for them and the Middle class students ( links to the marxist idea that there is no meritocracy in a capitalist society)
          • The 'Ear'oles' were academically opposite to the Lads. They were looked down on by the lads due to following the school rules and committing to education. The lads felt like they had superiority over the 'Ear'Oles' because they were wasting their time at school.
    • Colin Lacey
      • Inferred that as a Grammar school, with the high level of academic status that there would be no deviant sub cultures
        • Because schools attempt to differentiate pupils by achievement, it created a sense of low morality and a label of being a failure in lower streams.
          • This then results in a anti school subculture, low self esteem, negative labels and the belief that the school has undermined them.
        • Because schools attempted to differentiate pupils by academic achievement, it created a sense of hierarchy and positive labels in the high streams of sets.
          • This then results in a pro school subculture, high streamed with a good success rate in their education.
        • After the process of differentiation, polarization begins to happen. The streams form two opposite polar ends, forcing students to move at either ends.
  • Red = Anti school sub cultures.
    • Bliue = Pro school sub cultures


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