Artificial Intelligence

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  • Artificial Intelligence
    • - Considers all aspects of intelligence and models these using computer systems
      • - the aim is to create intelligent machines which can function/react like humans by learning and apapting
    • Turing Test
      • - a test to discover whether a machine's reponse is distinguishable from a human response
      • - the test involves a player, a human and a machine.
        • - the player does not know which is the human and whish is the machine
          • - the player asks questions of the human and the machine nad tries to discover which is the human.
    • Neural Network
      • - a neural network models the human brain
        • - it consists of a collection of nodes linked by one-way/two-way connections
          • - each node calculates the weighted sum of it's inputs and provides an output
            • - Backward propagation may be used
    • Expert Systems
      • - an application of AI to a particular area of activity where traditional human expert knowledge and experience are made available through a computer package
        • - knowledge rich, subject often represented as "facts and rules" in the expert system.
          • - once a knowledge base has been constructed, an expert system is ready to be interrogated.
            • - the system requests the user to provide information and then searches the knowledge base to find appropriate advice for the user.
              • - knowledge base is updated when new information becomes available on the results of it's use
              • Examples
                • - life insurance consults:
                  • - car insurance:
    • Knowledge Base
      • - part of an expert system that holds knowledge about the application area (or domain)
        • - knowledge base is updated when new information becomes available on the results of it's use
        • - often much of the knowledge is held as IF...THEN...type rules and this knowledge is called a rule base
      • Knowledge Engineer
        • - obtains knowledge required for the expert system
          • - using structured/ unstructured interviews/ problem solving/ concept maps
            • - structures the knowledge into a database
              • - validates/ verifies the knowledge
    • Inference Engine
      • - a peice of software in an expert system that interrogates the knowledge as a result draws inferences or conclusions
    • Shell
      • - a piece of software that is an "empty" expert system without the knowledge base for any particular application.
      • - the user enters the appropriate rules and facts
      • - the software development environment for creating an expert system
      • - contains components of an expert system
        • - can be populated for the particular application.
        • - knowledge acquisition system/ knowledge base /inference engine /user interface
          • - can be populated for the particular application.
    • Heuristics
      • - rules that aren't derived purely from logic but are derived from self experience
        • - "rules of thumb"
      • - many rules in an expert system are of this type.
      • Fuzzy Logic
        • - a means of working with uncertain knowledge
          • - whereas in classical logic we treat statements as being either true or false, in fuzzy logic we give each of these possibilities a certainty between 0 and 1


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