Saving minority languages through art

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  • Art
    • Weaknesses
      • Not everyone likes to create art or have art.
      • People may not look at the art and not read what it says.
      • People may just like the art and not realise it's a langauge
      • Not that effective as it's only going to be small phrases or even just single words.
    • Threats
      • People may not like art so they wouldn't buy it
      • Some minority languages may dominate the other smaller languages resulting in the smaller languages not being expressed as much
    • Opportunities
      • People can make money from selling the art which would encourage them to create more
      • Can help some people learn a few phrases of a language visually
      • People are able to share their language with the world by being creative and having fun
      • People can express their language as well by using their colours and images and theme
    • Strengths
      • Can be created in any way possible.
      • Very easy to create
      • Requires little amount of materials
      • Can be done by anyone at any age with any sort of material that you can create things with.
      • Would be in people's homes, work etc so it would be seen almost everyday


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