Aristotle (The Four Causes and Prime Mover)

  • Created by: Alessia
  • Created on: 24-04-13 18:31
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  • Aristotle
    • A posteriori argument (through sense experience) we learn about the physical world
      • Empirical approach
    • Prime Mover
      • Exists by necessity - so the prime mover cannot fail to exist
      • It is not capable of change
      • the prime mover is pure actuality
      • He has a nature that  is good: if you lack perfect goodness than you can change
      • Is the final cause i.e. the ultimate explanation why things exist is without parts and indivisible
      • Is the goal of all action: this is like attraction because the prime mover is the cause of all motion
      • Necessary being who is eternal, transcendent and impersonal, he does not interact with the world
      • Is like a leader, as the universe depends for iits existence on the prime mover
    • Aristotle's understanding of the four causes/idea of casuality
      • EFFICIENT CAUSE - The agent that brings something about
        • SCULTPOR
      • FORMAL CAUSE - The kind of thing that something is (it's form)
        • SHAPE
      • FINAL  CAUSE - The goal or purpose that a thing moves towards
      • MATERIAL CAUSE - The matter from which the thing is made
        • MARBLE
      • These causes are used to describe explanatory factors in proper scientific explanations
        • X belongs to Y (nearness - X and planet - Y)
        • Z belongs to X (nearness = X and non-twinkling =Z
        • Therefore Z belongs to Y
    • Reality is made up of several things, comprising form and matter. The matter of a thing can exist after the thing itself has ceased to exist.
    • Rejected Plato's dualist approach, therefore a monist


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