Areas of growth and development (PIES): completed

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  • Areas of growth and development: (PIES)
    • Social development: describes how people develop friendships e.g. confidence and skill to join in a group situation
    • Physical development: describes growth patterns and changes in mobility of the large and small muscles in the body that happen throughout life e.g. beginning to walk at 13 months and picking up small objects,then pedelling a tricycle at 3
    • Emotional development: describes how people develop their identity and cope with feelings e.g. confidence to adapt to change and learn new things
    • Intellectual development: describes how people develop their thinking skills, memory and language e.g. memory
    • Key terms
      • Growth - describes increased body size such as height, weight.
      • Classification - involves grouping similar things into a category
      • Development - involves gaining new skills and abilities such as riding a bike.
    • infants reach half their adult height between the ages of 2 and 3


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