
  • Created by: Gemma
  • Created on: 21-02-14 10:23
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  • Appeasement
    • What was Appeasement?
      • A British foreign policy towards Hitler
        • Associated with Neville Chamberlain, Prime Minister from 1937
          • He felt that some of Hitler's demands were reasonable; he thought if they were met then Hitler would be satisfied and war would be avoided
            • The biggest risk was that it depended on Hitler's aims being reasonable
              • It also depended on trusting Hitler and believing he was telling the truth
                • The most serious weakness of Appeasement
    • In favour of Appeasement
      • In the 1930s some people believed Hitler could be trusted
        • There was a strong view that the Treaty of Versailles had been too harsh on Hitler
        • Hitler was also admired by some people for the way he rebuilt Germany after 1933
      • Many British politicians feared Communist USSR more than Nazi Germany
      • There was a real fear that in a war between Germany and Britain, air raids would kill millions
        • Britain needed time to build up their defences against Germany
      • In Britain, there were very few opponents of Chamberlain's actions in 1938
    • Against Appeasement
      • It was bound to fail; Hitler could not be trusted
        • He had already broken many promises since 1933
      • It made Britain look weak and gave Hitler confidence that Britain would always back down
        • Each time hitler was given what he wanted, it made German even stronger
          • It encouraged Hitler to take bigger risks
      • It convinced the USSR that Britain and France were using it against the USSR
        • Britain was trying to push Germany into attacking the USSR
          • Stalin became even more suspicious when the USSR was not invited to the Munich Conference
            • This growing suspicion is a key reason as to why the USSR signed the Nazi- Soviet Pact
  • He felt that some of Hitler's demands were reasonable; he thought if they were met then Hitler would be satisfied and war would be avoided
    • The biggest risk was that it depended on Hitler's aims being reasonable
      • It also depended on trusting Hitler and believing he was telling the truth
        • The most serious weakness of Appeasement




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