apc3 yr8

  • Created by: Angus.23
  • Created on: 28-02-18 14:38
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  • apc3
    • geography
      • people on the move
        • push factor
          • push factor is reasons to leave country
            • en example would be Mexican immigrants moving to the USA, for example a push  factor might be drugs and gangs and a pull factor being healthcare and jobs
        • pull factor
          • pull factor is reasons to  come to a country
            • en example would be Mexican immigrants moving to the USA, for example a push  factor might be drugs and gangs and a pull factor being healthcare and jobs
      • population
        • china's one child policy
          • pro's; parents do everything, get everything, get lots of attention, parents can make children work hard, large population problem
          • con's; horrible laws, sexist remarks, pressure from parents, pay a fine, too much pressure, lots of older relatives to look after financially
      • BR and DR
        • birth rate/death rate is the number of people being born/dying in the population per 1000 people
          • reasons for low birth rates; it costs about £200,000 per child until they are eighteen, access to contraception
          • reasons for high birth rate is; they need the children to work, women don't have control, no access to contraception, don't have careers, some children die young, children can  help if they get ill


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