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  • Antibiotics
    • What are the issues with over-use of antibiotics?
      • Some antibiotics are used in food producing animals to keep them healthy.
        • However this means that the bacteria have started to become more resistant to antibiotics.
          • This has a knock on effect on humans as the antibiotics well become less effective in our bodies meaning the the bacteria can continue to expand and cause damge.
            • This means that some bacterial disease now need to have vaccines to cure them.
              • TB is an example of this.
    • What pathogens do they kill?
      • They kill bacterial infections.
      • Antibiotics can't treat viruses.
        • Viruses can only be treated with vaccines.
      • There are a number of was that antibiotics kill the bacteria.
        • Some of the antibiotics kill the bacteria outright
          • Penicillin
          • Cephalosporin
        • Some bacteria prevent the bacteria from growing.
          • Tetracycline
          • Erythromycin
        • How do antibiotics work?
          • Antibodies fight bacteria in the body.
          • They attack the disease process by destroying the structure of the bacteria or their ability to divide or reproduce.
          • Some antibiotics can fight numerous germs and others are made for more specific diseases.
    • How do antibiotics work?
      • Antibodies fight bacteria in the body.
      • They attack the disease process by destroying the structure of the bacteria or their ability to divide or reproduce.
      • Some antibiotics can fight numerous germs and others are made for more specific diseases.
    • More on Antibiotics...
      • Antibiotics may produce some side effects.
        • Stomach Discomfort
        • Skin Rash
        • Breathing Difficulties
      • Untitled


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