
  • Created by: tinatima
  • Created on: 05-12-12 17:03
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  • Anti-social
    • Social learning theory
      • AO2
    • Desensitisation
      • AO1
        • Under normal conditions, anxiety about violence inhibits its use (i.e. prevents us from using it) media violence however can acause aggressive behavior by  desensitizing  children to the effects of violence.
          • The more violence that the child veiws on TV, the more acceptable that aggressive behavior becomes.
            • This also may cause children to be less anxious about violence and so are no longer inhibited about using it.
  • Supported by Bandura & Walters (1963) films of adult models three groups of children. (model rewarded, punished, no consequence) reward condition most likely to imitate. Low ecological validity (toy not person) and demand characteristics (Noble 1975)
    • AO2
  • However,  Phillips (1983) crime statistics 10days following televised heavyweight  boxing fights,  significant rise in number of murders. there was no such rise after televised  Superbowl  contests. high ecological validity but EVs - boxing=alcohol / bars vs Superbowl= family occasion.
    • Supported by Bandura & Walters (1963) films of adult models three groups of children. (model rewarded, punished, no consequence) reward condition most likely to imitate. Low ecological validity (toy not person) and demand characteristics (Noble 1975)
    • SLT  fairly deterministic  and cumberbatch (2001) agues that there are often anecdotal claims of copy cat violence but there's no real evidence for this.
      • However,  Phillips (1983) crime statistics 10days following televised heavyweight  boxing fights,  significant rise in number of murders. there was no such rise after televised  Superbowl  contests. high ecological validity but EVs - boxing=alcohol / bars vs Superbowl= family occasion.
      • Under normal conditions, anxiety about violence inhibits its use (i.e. prevents us from using it) media violence however can acause aggressive behavior by  desensitizing  children to the effects of violence.
        • The more violence that the child veiws on TV, the more acceptable that aggressive behavior becomes.
          • This also may cause children to be less anxious about violence and so are no longer inhibited about using it.
      • AO1
        • AO2
          • Desensitisation
            • Johnson & Young (2002) longitudinal study of 700 young Americans over 17 year peoriod. related the amount of TV watched at 14 years old to aggressive behavior (assault/battery) between ages 16-22. Those who watched more than 3 hours of TV daily, they are more likely to commit agressive ages between ages 16 and 22. (29% vs. 6%)
              • But does not show cause and effect (e.g. do aggressive kids like to watch TV?)
                • EVs for example Lax parenting may be both linked to excessive TV watching and aggressive behavior.
                  • However, Johnson & Joung did control some factors (chilhood neglect, neighbourhood violence, previous aggressive behavior and perental income) and finding remained intact.
                    • Cumberbatch (2001) agues that people might get 'used' to violence on TV sceens but this does does not mean they will get used to violence in the real world.
          • Johnson & Young (2002) longitudinal study of 700 young Americans over 17 year peoriod. related the amount of TV watched at 14 years old to aggressive behavior (assault/battery) between ages 16-22. Those who watched more than 3 hours of TV daily, they are more likely to commit agressive ages between ages 16 and 22. (29% vs. 6%)
            • But does not show cause and effect (e.g. do aggressive kids like to watch TV?)
              • EVs for example Lax parenting may be both linked to excessive TV watching and aggressive behavior.
                • However, Johnson & Joung did control some factors (chilhood neglect, neighbourhood violence, previous aggressive behavior and perental income) and finding remained intact.
                  • Cumberbatch (2001) agues that people might get 'used' to violence on TV sceens but this does does not mean they will get used to violence in the real world.
          • AO2- line of argument conclusion
            • Anti-social
              • Social learning theory
            • There is support for both explanations but research has been criticised for showing gender bias- taking research  heavily focused on male participants and assuming it applies to females in the same way.
              • Much of the experimental data focuses on short-lived effects and nataural experiments have mixed results with some such as those involving the indroduction of TV to St. Helena not showing significant effects of media on anti-social behaviour.
                • In general, this supports Comstock & paik's (19991) view that there is stronger support for short-term effects of media on ani-social behavior than long-term effects.
              • AO2- line of argument conclusion


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