Gillian Clarke - Anorexic mindmap

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  • Anorexic
    • "Before there was a word for it, was fussy with her food."
      • dates the poem back to a time before mental illnesses were common.
    • "What I remember's"
      • Childlike way of speaking indicates lack of literacy due to her age.
    • "The standing gold."
      • Implies wealth and the cream's worth. Typical convention of G.C poetry is the use of colours
    • "Breath held, tongue between teeth"
      • Shows her concentration and her eagerness to please. Also shows her yearning to help her Aunt.
    • The Earth's deep, ungleaming water table"
      • Reference to nature - typical convention of G.C poetry. The water is used as a metaphor as it feeds and keeps the earth alive just as the cream could keep her Aunt alive.
    • "Stockings, a slip, a Chinese kimono"
      • TRIAD. Glamorous and entirely different from the traditional Welsh woman, which is impressive to the young girl.
  • Reference to nature - typical convention of G.C poetry. The water is used as a metaphor as it feeds and keeps the earth alive just as the cream could keep her Aunt alive.


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