Andrgyny and measuring androgyny including the Bem's sex role

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  • Andrgyny and measuring androgyny including the Bem's sex role
    • Androgynous- displaying roughly equal levels of masculinity and feminine traits/ behaviours.
      • Inventory= a list of statements used to test for certain characteristics
    • Bem's sex role inventory
      • Method: 50m & 50f judges rated 200 traits for how desirable they were for men and women. based on judge's rating, 20 traits were chosen for masculinity scale and 20 for femininity.
        • Feminine traits: included compassion, sympathy, warmth and gullibility.
        • Masculine traits: included ambitious, athleticism and aggression.
      • Results: when the BSRI was tested on over 1,000 students it showed itself to be valid when checked against the samples own description of their gender identity. A smaller sample were tested again a month later and got similar scores= inventory was reliable.
      • Aim: to construct an inventory to measure masculinity, femininity and androgyny.
        • Discussion: the problem with inventories/Q is that they rely on people having insight into their personality. respondents may lie to give social desirability- gender which is a sensitive issue for many.
          • Bem's inventory was confidential which reduces dishonest responses.
      • BSRI was based o the views of US in the 1970s. This matters as if this was put on another culture it would be imposed ethics.
      • Bem (1974) found that androgynous people were more psychologically healthy. Those who are androgynous had male and female traits so better at copying. Masculine was suggested better in society & culturally.
    • Sandra Bem challenged the concept that there were only two genders.
    • Gender terminology
      • SEX- biological differences between males and females including chromosomes, hormones and anatomy.
        • sex versus gender:
          • GENDER- the psychological and cultural differences between males & females including attitudes, behaviours and social roles.
          • gender identity: an individual's perception of their own masculinity& femininity.
          • Gender identity disorder: strong, persistent feelings of identification with the opposite gender and discomfort with one's own assigned sex.
      • GENDER- the psychological and cultural differences between males & females including attitudes, behaviours and social roles.
      • SEX-ROLE STEREROTYPES- a set of beliefs and preconceived ideas about what is expected or appropriate for males & females in a given society.


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