Surgery and Anatomy- Ancient Egypt

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  • Ancient Egypt
    • Knowledge on surgery improved from Prehistoric knowledge
      • Egyptians metal working was better, they had sharper and stronger tools allowing them to perform more minor surgery (removing tumours)
      • Understood that honey had healing properties and used it to treat wounds
      • Eygptians would bandage wounds and keep them clean.
    • Knowledge of the human body improved from Prehistoric times
      • Mummification gave Egyptians s better understanding of the inside of the body as it involved removing organs.
        • Egyptians believed the heart was the centre of the body and thought the heart was connected to the rest of the body through channels.
        • Embalmers (who did mu mmifcation) were not doctors so did not pass on much anatomical knowledge.
        • Internal organs were preserved in separate jars, were not dissected.
    • Egyptians wrote down their knowledge on papyrus scrolls allowing future generations to build upon it.
    • Knowledge was limited due to human dissections not being allowed because the whole body was needed for the after-life.


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