
  • Created by: gurlxxn
  • Created on: 09-04-19 14:43
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  • Ambition
    • Macbeth's hamartia (fatal flaw)
      • could be argued LM is the "spur" - he knows he needs her help to reach his ambition
        • "by being ignorant of/what greatness is promised thee"
          • M offers these promises from witches to entice into spurring him on
            • can see this as an equal partnership between the 2 calls her "my dearest partner of greatness" he needs her to help him realise this ambition
              • could argue that this 'equal partnership' is why Shakespeare kills them both at the end - equally responsible for the killing of Duncan and the tragedy that unfolds
    • Banquo
      • "i dreamt last night of the three weird sisters"
        • ambitious - S saying that all good men can be destroyed by their ambition (also his harmartia)
          • "dreamt" about them before M has even met them arguably the way M is destroyed by his ambition so is Banquo as he ultimately does get killed
  • even though looks like a noble sacrifice as he dies for his son but it is not necessarily done purely out of love it's also done out of ambition of having his family name carry on forever + protect long lasting dynasty as promised by the witches
    • "dreamt" about them before M has even met them arguably the way M is destroyed by his ambition so is Banquo as he ultimately does get killed


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