Alternative fuels-Biofuels

  • Created by: chloe_15
  • Created on: 15-11-13 14:44
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  • Biofuels Alternative Fuels
    • Advantages
      • Biodiesels are much less harmful to animals and plants if it is spilled that the diesel we get from crude oil.
      • When we burn biodiesel in an engine it burns much more cleanly, reducing the paticulates emitted. It also akes very little suphur dioxide
      • As non-renewable fossil fuels such as crude oil, run out, their price wil increase and biofuels will become cheaper to use.
      • Another really big advantage over fossil fuels is the fact that the crops ised to make biofeuls absorb carbon dioxide gas as they grow. So biofuels from pants are in theory 'Carbon Dioxide netral'. That means the amount of carbon dioxide given off when it burns is balenced by the amount absorbed as the plants it is made from grow. Therefore biofuelds make little contribution of the carbon dioxide on out atmosphere.
    • Disadvantages
      • The use of large areas of farmland to produce biofuels instead of food could pose problem. If we start to rely on oil-produced crops for our fuel, farmers will turn land once used for food crops to land for growing biofuel crops.
      • This could result in famine in poorer countries if the price of stable food crops rises as demand overtakes suppy. Forest which absorb lots of carbon dioxide, might also be cleared to grow the biofuel crops if they get mor popular.
      • People are also worried abour andangered species because of the destruction of their habitats, such as tropical fotests, cleared to grow biofuel crops.
  • Advantages
    • Biodiesels are much less harmful to animals and plants if it is spilled that the diesel we get from crude oil.
    • When we burn biodiesel in an engine it burns much more cleanly, reducing the paticulates emitted. It also akes very little suphur dioxide
    • As non-renewable fossil fuels such as crude oil, run out, their price wil increase and biofuels will become cheaper to use.
    • Another really big advantage over fossil fuels is the fact that the crops ised to make biofeuls absorb carbon dioxide gas as they grow. So biofuels from pants are in theory 'Carbon Dioxide netral'. That means the amount of carbon dioxide given off when it burns is balenced by the amount absorbed as the plants it is made from grow. Therefore biofuelds make little contribution of the carbon dioxide on out atmosphere.


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