alternative fuels PROS+CONS

  • Created by: AlexFrame
  • Created on: 15-05-17 11:44
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  • alternative fuel, PROS + CONS
    • BIODIESEL PROS: produces less sulphur dioxide to therefor less acid rain / its carbon nutral so engins wont need need to be converted.
      • CONS: cant make enough of it to replace diesel or petrol  / very expensive to make / would increase food prices.
    • ETHANOL PROS: the Co2 produced is taken in by plants through photosynthesis / its carbon neutral
      • CONS: not widely available / it would increase food prices because farmers would want to grow crops to make ethanol because the demand for ethanol would increase.
    • HYDROGEN PROS: it combines with oxygen in the air to form only water  so it is very clean fuel!
      • CONS not widely  available  uses lots of energy to make / is hard to store / you will need a special expensive engine.


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