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  • Macbeth: Form and Structure
    • Form: The form of a text is the type of text you are reading or watching
    • Macbeth is a dramatic play/ a tragedy
      • Key features of a tragedy
        • 2) The protagonist reveals a fatal flaw
          • Macbeth and his wife were driven by ambition to commit regicide and other murders
        • 3)  The flaw leads the protagonist from success and happiness to failure and misery
          • Macbeth feels the need to murder, lie and behave brutally in order to keep his power.
            • Eventually Macbeth kills Macduff's family. As revenge, Macduff fights and kills Macbeth
          • Lady Macbeth's crimes leave her torn with guilt and she eventually kills herself
        • 1) A protagonist who is noble and well liked
          • Macbeth at the start of the play was a good man loved by the King
      • Tragedies try to make the audience feel fear or pity (catharsis)
      • Tragedies can be traced back to drama in Ancient Greece.
    • The structure of a text refers to how events are organised in the play as a whole
      • Macbeth is organised into 5 acts
        • Act 3) Climax: The turning point of the play. Macbeth becomes King Banquo is murdered and Fleance escapes Macduff goes to England.
        • Act 1) Exposition:  the main characters are introduced, the Witches make their predictions and thoughts of murder start to form.
        • Act 2) Rising action: Macbeth keeps changing his mind, Lady Macbeth takes control, Duncan is killed
        • Act 4) Falling action: Macbeth returns to the Witches, Macduff’s family is slaughtered, Macduff plans his invasion
        • Act 5) Catastrophe: The protagonist is defeated. The Witches' predictions come true and both Macbeth and his wife die.
    • Macbeth structure is chronological. The events are revealed in the order they have happened.


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