Agents of socialisation

Primary and secondary agents of socialisation. 

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  • Agents of socialisation
    • (Secondary) Religion PARSONS: Religion allows individuals to cope with unforeseen events and uncontrollable outcomes. In addition it's an essential function as it legitimises societies central values. "love thy neighbour" and "thou shall not kill"
    • (Secondary) Media: In the UK the media is the most dominant agent of socialisation because of the availability of resources such as technology. In 2005, 16 year old teenagers spent an average of 30 mins a day watching TV.
      • 3 approaches to media socialisation: Hypodermic syringe model, Cultural effects and Copycat
    • (Secondary) Peers ADLER & ADLER: studied a group of middle class teenagers and found that children form cliques with their own values. Some members were leaders and had greater influence over how the other members acted and what they did.
    • (Secondary) Educations BOWL & GINTIS: Are Marxists who believe the education system operates on a hidden curriculum that socialises children into ruling class ideologies E.G money makes you happy
    • (Secondary) Work WADDINGTON'S RESEARCH: It states that canteen culture helps socialise police officers. Talking about overcoming hard situations and giving advice boosts their occupational self-esteem. Informal socialisation as well as formal
    • (Primary) Family DIANE REAY: Studied 33 mothers and said that working class mothers had more time and energy to spend with their children where as working class mothers couldn't as they had work and long hours. this shows that family effects the amount of socialisation  you receive
      • KATZ baby x Experiment


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