Aftermath of WWI

The Treaty of Versailles and the Weimar Government.

  • Created by: xXAliceXx
  • Created on: 27-04-14 17:10
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  • Aftermath of WWI
    • The Treaty of Versailles
      • Signed on 28th June 1919
      • Clauses for Germany
        • War Guilt Clause- Article 231,  Limits on armed forces (e.g 100,000 men), Reparations (£6600 million), lost its empire, German military banned from the Rhineland
          • Germans hated the TOV, because: couldn't afford the reparations, lost industrial areas so couldn't rebuild, didn't accept full guilt, economic crisis, lost colonies, lost pride, often lived under foreign rule in new countries.
    • Germany devastated by WWI- millions dead/injured, were blamed so couldn't negotiate the TOV.
    • The Weimar Republic
      • Formed shortly after the Kaiser abdicated (ended the monarchy), in February 1919.
        • Set up in Weimar, due to violence and instability in Berlin.
      • Led by Friedrich Ebert, leader of the Social Democrats, changing Germany into a republic. The new government was to be a democracy. 
        • Originally refused to sign the TOV, but had no choice- Germany was to weak to resume the fighting.
      • PROPORTIONAL REPRESENTATION: the number of seats a party wins is worked out as a proportion of the votes they win.
        • Led to there being lots of parties in the Reichstag, making it difficult for any laws to be passed as it was very hard to get a majority.
      • Had many problems, including difficulty finding a Chancellor who had the support of most of the Reichstag, having to accept the TOV, and outbreaks of trouble- as the population blamed Ebert's government for the TOV, not the monarchy.
        • PROPORTIONAL REPRESENTATION: the number of seats a party wins is worked out as a proportion of the votes they win.
          • Led to there being lots of parties in the Reichstag, making it difficult for any laws to be passed as it was very hard to get a majority.


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