african nationalism 1914 to 67

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  • African nationalism
    • West Africa
      • Nigeria, Gambia, Sierra Leone and the Gold coast already had legislative councils by 1914, but their powers were limited and representation was minimal.
        • this prompted a group of political activists to hold a meeting in Accra to found the National Congress of West Africa in 1919
          • dominated by the the educated elite in the Gold Coast, and the movement was supported by the rising numbers of black middle class lawyers, teachers etc
          • the congress's demands for greater representation were initially ignored. But some concessions were granted in the 1920s but the nationalists were outnumbered by appointed African Chiefs
            • with widespread education and as colonial administrations decided to try  to win local support for the empire by increasing employment
              • a new young radical group of nationalist leaders emerged in the 1930s
      • the West African Student's Union (1925) helped to bring students from all over west africa studying  in london and at a time of political flux in europe and growing nationalism in india inspired greater radicalism among its members
        • this included men like Nnamdi Azikiwe and Kwame Nkrumah from the gold coast, both of whom would emerge as significant post war nationalist figures


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