Aeneid Modern Scholarship

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  • The Aeneid Modern Scholarship
    • Quinn
      • "the heroic is not necessarily the nobler ideal"
      • "Aeneas has surrendered to an impulse that disgraces his humanity"
      • "was not simply the glorification of a general or politician, but the justification of a cause"
      • "characters and situations keep reminding us of Homeric characters and situations and then revealing themselves as different"
    • Sowerby
      • "Turnus becomes the Trojans' principal antagonist and his death constitutes the climax of the poem"
      • "The relationship between father and son is the closest bond in the poem"
      • "connected with Roman history as well as a record of traditional Roman ways and customs"
      • "Aeneas shows none of the zest of adventure or resourcefulness associated with the Homeric Odysseus"
      • "rather the fulfilment of anger than a pious duty performed, so that the poem ends...ironically with Aeneas for the first time having his heart truly in his task"
      • "[Aeneas] is the chosen instrument of divine will"
    • Gransden
      • [countering the] "warlike legends of Romulus... with the story of a hero renowned for pietas, wanting peace rather than war"
      • [Fall of Troy] "Virgil expresses a profound empathy for the young men on both sides"
      • "furor...dominates the last four books of the Aeneid and permeates Aeneas' actions on the battlefield"
      • "The Aeneid is dominated by fathers and father-figures... Aeneas is called pater as often as he is called pius"
      • "Most of the plot of the Aeneid is generated by Juno"
      • "The concept of fate... dominates the Aeneid"
      • "Jupiter is a more dignified version of Homer's father Zeus"
      • "Aeneas is a complex character, pius but also a great soldier, perhaps Troy's greatest after Hector"
    • Williams
      • [Aeneas is] "no superhuman figure...he is very much an ordinary mortal"
      • "the tragedies and disasters in the poem are very largely...due to the violent and unreasoning element in human nature"
      • "There can be no doubt that a major intention of the Aeneid was to glorify Virgil's own country"
    • Pattie
      • "Aeneas does in warfare what has to be done, but he is generally deeply unhappy about it"
      • "Augustan in its presentation of Roman values"
      • "it is about timeless and universal problems of human behaviour - problems like the conflict between personal wishes and the compulsions of duty"
    • Glover
      • "Virgil's whole nature was on the side of peace"
    • Lyne
      • "In general it is Aeneas' relationships that Vergil appears to neglect"
    • Mackie
      • "Aeneas' general concern to facilitate fate is the cornerstone of his pietas"
    • Parry
      • "Aeneas from the start is absorbed in his own destiny, a destiny which does not ultimately relate to him, but to something later, larger and less personal: the high walls of Rome"
    • Oliensis
      • "Virgil associates the feminine with unruly passion, the masculine with reasoned (self-) mastery"
      • "The uncomplicatedly virtuous women of the epic, Creusa and Lavinia, prove their virtue precisely by submitting to the masculine plot of history"
    • Reilly
      • "portrays characters in a way that serves simultaneously as a threat to traditional gender roles in Roman society while also providing an example of ideal Roman values."


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