Adaption and Organisms

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  • Adaption and Organisms
    • Adaptation
      • Adaptations increase an organisms chance of survival and so increase its chance of reproducing
      • They are special features or behaviours that make an organism particularly suited to its environment
      • Eg Polar Bears: They have brown irises to reduce glare from sunlight reflection. Greasy fur which rebels water and keeps the bear dry; their skin is also black to absorb any heat transmitted through the hairs. Their body surface is small compared to the volume to reduce heat loss.
    • Organisms
      • Vertebrates: animals with a back bone. Invertebrates: animals with no back bone.
      • Homeotherms: warm blooded (birds and mammals). Poikilotherms: cold blooded (fish, amphibians and reptiles).
      • Plantae: these are all plants, they are multicellular, have chlorophyll and obtain food by themselves, this is by using photosynthesis.
      • Species: Organisms capable of breeding together to produce fertile offspring. Hybrid: the offspring of two different species which are usually infertile.
      • Kingdoms: Animalia, Plantae, Fungi, Protoctista and Prokaryotes.


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