ACC Key Quotes

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  • Hard and Sharp as flint
    • Simile comparing Scrooge to stone
    • Symbolically the use of “flint” is very significant as it links to the motif of fire - a universal symbol representing the warmth of human compassion.
    • Part of a long complex sentence which illustrates that Scrooge if difficult and complicated
    • “Flint” has connotations of being used to sharpen weapons so by using this dickens is make Scrooge feel more threatening
    • Dicken use of adjectives “sharp” and “hard” refer to Scrooge’s unforgiving nature
    • The adjective “sharp” connotations the impression that Scrooge’s words possess the ability to inflict pain on others
    • Flint is used to create the spark that ignites the fire so Dickens is suggesting that dispit his “frosty” nature Scrooge has the ability to “strike out generous fire” if he chooses to - he’s not beyond redemption yet


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