A.C. 1.2 - Social Construction of Crime (UNIT 2)

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  • A.C. 1.2 Social Construction
    • PLACE
      • Something which is against the law in on country, will be legal in another country.
      • Homosexuality being sexually attracted to same sex, legal in the UK, USA, Arabia. Illegal in Iran, Iraq.
      • Cannabis: Plant smoked or consumed, giving psychedelic energy. Illegal in the UK. Legal in Amsterdam
      • Female Genital Mutilation (FGM): removal of the flesh of a women's genitals. Illegal in the UK, Legal in Africa.
    • TIME
      • Due to social and technical advancements, laws will change as values and norms of a society start to change.
      • Prostitution: Its legal in the UK, only in some places, such as Leeds Holbeck, Soliciting, and Kerb crawling is illegal.
      • Vagrancy: Still illegal in the UK, under 1824 Vagrancy Act, but it gets disused as people don't care due too symphathy.
      • What is seen as a crime in one country, will not be seen as a crime in another country
        • Adultery: Voluntary sexual intercourse, between a married person, and a person not their spouse. Its legal in the UK, illegal in South Korea,  Pakistan.
        • Honour Killing: Honour killing or Shame killing, is the murder of a family member. Its illegal in the UK, legal in Pakistan, India, Nigeria.
    • Concerns of meaning, notion, or connotation placed on an object or event by a society, which is adapted by inhabitants, will respect to how they view or deal with the event
      • Age of Criminal Responsibility: refers to the minimum age that a child can be prosecuted, and punished under the law. in the UK, the legal age is 10, changed from 12, due to Jamie Bulger.
      • Stereotyping: over-generalised belief about a particular category of people. such as tattoos, drinking, or Youth wearing hoodies. Being stereotyped as gang members or criminals.
      • Moral Panic: feeling or fear spread amongst many people, in a society. Thinking evil is present, refers to Cohen's Mods and Rockers example of moral panic.
      • Loss of Control: use of excessive force indicating loss of control, leading to murder, example 'R v Clinton 2012'
        • Self Defence: Preventing an attack to defend yourself from harm. example 'John Hopkins'
          • Automation: having epilepsy, losing control and consciousness example ' Katelyn Dawson Driver'
      • Diminished Responsibility: impairment or abnormality of ones mind. Questioning their liability, example 'Tony Martin'
        • Consent: giving will/consent to someone to do something to you, example 'Armin Meiwes'


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