Abiotic Factors

  • Created by: Joanna
  • Created on: 20-10-13 14:13
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  • Abiotic Factors
    • Temperature - Each species has different optimum temp. Below this - enzymes work more slowly & metabolic rate is reduced. Above this temp - enzymes start to denature - slower growth. Warm-blooded animals - organisms expend much energy maintaining their normal body temp > less individual growth & slower reproductive rate. Population size decreases.
    • Light - ultimate source of energy for ecosystems. Increase light intensity increases rate of photosynthesis > population increases. Then the population of animals that feed on that plant increases.
    • pH - population of organisms is larger where the optimum pH exists.
    • Water & humidity - smaller populations where water is scarce unless adapted to dry conditions. Humidity affects transpiration rates in plants > in dry air conditions, only those adapted to it will have larger populations


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