A Toccata of Galuppi's

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  • A Toccata of Galuppi's
    • Layout
      • Long lines in stanzas yet relatively short stanzas, illusion of a long life but it soon ends?
        • repeated stanzas could represent life moving on? new people
        • sense of mathematical order
    • Imagery
      • importance of the past, beauty, transient, erotisism, poem about death, power of art, sublime
        • MLD links, art saying something which is different from what you think it will say, the song
        • Sublime, potential great, make you realise how small you are compared to World, (looking out at ocean into emptiness etc) can be scary, obscure, hidden, dark
          • obscurity of death is scary, links to Prospice
    • Rhythm
      • Trochaic- octameter- represents virtuosic keyboard. Creates a weird mood, flui, argent, aggressive
        • Dancing, crazy, representative fo Venic, hypnotic, charming, musical
    • Context
      • Browning is interested in the Arts
        • Toccata derives from 'to touch' in Italian, 'toccare'. A piano piece/touch keys very lightly/show off piece to show how good you are at piano/very fast
          • Power of art to show off, Galuppi was known for famous pieces
      • Set in Venice, -lots of water - corruption, sex & intrigue, -partying, carnival, masks, - sin &hidden naughtiness
        • By Victorian times Venice was already crumbling of its former self,  Broening is being nostalgic, looking at the past? WE are a tiny part of a small World, dreams and life passed so quickly, links to LARuins, and LoveinLifeLIfeinLove
        • 'butterflies may dread extinction' transient life, pretty, Venetian people
    • Character
      • Believes he is much superior 'Here you come with your old music'
        • 'I was never out of England- it's as if I saw it all'
          • He thinks because he's listened to Galuppi's music he knows everything about Venice, pompous, tiny stereotype of Venice, then goes on an imaginative journey like in Prospice
            • 'O'er the breast's superb abundance where a man might place his head?' he is intrigued, lustful, women are something to be appreciated by men. He describes Venice but he is being sucked in himself, linked to Bishops. Virgin Ary
            • not really interested in usic, in Vencie instead, he condemns music but pulled in by it
      • he objectifies women like in PL, 'On her neck the small face buoyant', the women is described again as fragile like WLW
        • he is sexual? ''-he, to finger on his sword' phallic
          • 'bosoms?'
      • The character become smote rational at the end, he takes on a rational behaviour- a contrast, 'But when I sit down to reason, think to take my stand nor swerve,'
        • links to Prosipice and Apparaent failure revelations at the end
        • 'I feel chilly and grow old', he thought he knew all but he does;t, has changed feels nostalgic, like Two in Campa. LARuins, Prospice, struts angry and softens, like Apparent Failure
    • 'But although I take your meaning, 'tis with such a heavy mind'
      • He understands Galuppi's music, thinks he can see it all, patronising, arrogant
    • 'Balls and masks begun at midnight, burning ever to midday,'
      • Protestant England contrasted with vibrant life of Venice, a corrupt and yet attractive World is presented, he seems almost as if he is being sucked in by it, life of bddy/contrased with mind theme in Browning poems, like LARuins
    • 'Those commiserating sevenths - 'Life might last! we can but try!'
      • they have an optimistic outlook, he music warns them life is short, why they live it to the MAX
        • multiple voices in his poems are unusual,  lots of speech
    • 'DEath stepped tacitly and took them where they never see the sun
      • death is personified
    • 'In you come with your cold music till I creep through every nerve'
      • 'cold' he associates the music with corruptness but it nevertheless captures him/haunts him - a hold on him
    • ''As for Venice and her people, merely born to bloom and drop', their purpose, Biblical connotations
    • 'Dear dead women, with such hair, too - whats become of all th e gold', he begins to see them as people in last stanza, he finds them haunting


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