3.1 Believing In God

  • Created by: Matii
  • Created on: 22-04-17 12:50
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  • 3.1.7 Unanswered Prayers
    • 3.1.8 Catholic Responses
      • For
        • If you pray for selfish things, like praying to pass an exam without any work, God will let you fail so that you work hard next time
          • Prayers might be answered in other ways you expect because God has different plans
            • God loves all people and God's love will answer their prayers in the best possible way , even though it may not look like a direct answer
          • God may answer our prayers by giving us what we need rather than what we asked for
            • Conflicting prayers such as multiple people praying to win the lottery cant be answered, no one would win anything
      • Against
        • Christians believe that God is their loving heavenly father who will answer their prayers, so if he does not answer them, he cannot exist
          • Christians are told about answered prayers, i.e. the ill being cured, but far more people have their prayers unanswered. A good god would not answer a few prayers for a cure and not answer lots of prayers for a cure. Therefore it's unlikely God exists.
          • If there was a God, he would answer the prayers of good religious people, and there would be no starvation, no wars, etc. The prayers of such people are clearly not answered, so God cannot exist
    • Features
      • If people say their prayers in church and at home, but never feel the presence of God when they pray, they may feel there is no God listening to them
      • Other peoples prayers answered, those praying
        • If someone has been a good Catholic, but when pray for God to cure their sick child, their child dies, that person may lose their faith in God
        • If someones prayers are not answered, particularly if they are praying for something like the end of human suffering in wars, then they might stop believing in God


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