2.4 Carbohydrate digestion

lactose intolerance not included

  • Created by: maddie
  • Created on: 02-12-12 20:43
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  • 2.4 Carbohydrate digestion
    • enzymes are specific -> usually one enzymes breaks down molecule into smaller sections and another breaks it into monomers. Enzymes prodcued at different parts of digestive system as fastest at different pH's. Important -produced in correct sequence.
    • starch digestion: 1st enxyme, amalyse produced mouth & pancrease. Hydrolysis starchs glycosdic bonds to maltose -> Maltose to monosaccharide, glucose by maltase produced in intestine lining.
    • starch digestion...
      • food chewed by teeth, broken into smaller peice to increase SA
        • saliva enters mouth via salivary glands- mixed with food during chewing
          • saliva contains salivary amalyse, starts hydrolysing starch to maltose. contains minerals slats to keep pH akaline - optimum
            • food swallowed -> sotmach where acidic. acid denatures amalyse & prevent further hydrolysis of starch
              • food passed to small intestine, mixes with secretion from pancreas - pancreaitc juice
                • contains pancreatic amylase, continues hydrolysis of remaining starch. mineral salts produced pancrease and small intesine
                  • mucles in intestine push food along. Small intestine epithelial lining producs maltose - hydrolyses maltose into a-glucose
    • two other common disaccharides that need to be broken down
      • sucrose - released from cells of food by teeth - passes through to intestine where enzyme sucrase produced
        • hydrolyse single glycosdic bond - produce glucose and fructose
      • lactose-sugar in milk, digested in small intestine where lactase produced - hydrolyses glycosidc bonds -> glucose & galatase


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