20th century - disease and infection

  • Created by: emMarie
  • Created on: 09-04-16 13:57
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  • 20th century - disease and infection
    • Paul Erich one of koch's pupils discovered that chemical dyes could attack and destroy disease causing germs. In 1909 he discovered Salvarsan 606, a cure for syphilis
    • 1932 Domagk discovered sulphonamides which could cure several infectious diseases including pneumonia and scarlet fever.
    • Fleming discovered Penicillin  with help of chance in 1928. There were two events in his discovery.
      • He was a doctor with an interest in growing mould. He grew moulds in glass dishes, a mould had grew in which he had not intended. The spore of this mould had been blown into his lab.
      • Fleming did not wash up his dishes before he went on holiday. When he came back he looked through the old dishes and found what was to be the special one.
    • What interested Fleming was the thing that he had intended to grow in the dish had started to grow but then appeared to have been killed by a mould that was also in the glass dish
      • the 2nd mould was not something that he had put there.
    • from this point science had took over and Florey and Chain were able to produce penicillin in the form in which it could be used as medicine
    • 1954 Jonas Salk discovered a vaccine for polio.


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