2. Hardrada's invasion, Fulford Gate and Battle of Stamford Bridge

  • Created by: Alasdair
  • Created on: 15-06-17 14:17
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  • 2. Hardrada's invasion, Fulford Gate and Battle of Stamford Bridge
    • Gate Fulford
      • Hardrada found his way back to York blocked by forces of Edwin and Morcar
      • Battle at Gate Fulford lasted all day and although English defeat, losses of Norwegians endured made following encounter easier for Saxon army
      • Although Edwin and Morcar had shown loyalty to Harold, English losses were crucial and deprived two earls of providing support in crucial weeks of October
      • York entered by Harald Hardrada and in terms on which town made peace suggest, despite Harold's earlier progress North, city was not loyal to him
      • Treaty provided that they would join forces with Hardrada and march south in attempt to conquer all of England
    • Battle of Stamford Bridge
      • Harold did not know of Norwegian attack until after landing
      • Undoubtedly placed him in difficult position as move north with army would leave south coast undefended but failure to deal with Hardrada quickly would allow Norwegian forces to consolidate position
      • Harold therefore decided to march north with own retainers and gathered militia as he journeyed
      • Journey of 190 miles was covered in four days and Harold reached Tacaster on 24th September
        • Waited there there overnight and entered York on 25th September
      • Came to Norwegian forces on Stamford Bridge before they were aware of his approach
      • Norwegian army failed to protect bridge adequately and lost protection of river
      • Battle long, both Hardrada and Tostig killed and so badly defeated only 24 of the 300 ships were required to take survivors home
      • Ended two centuries of Anglo-Scandinavian conflict


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