1917 Bolshevik take over

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  • 1917
    • February revolution
      • Monday 14th -100000 workers from 58 factories striked
        • Bread was going to be rationed in March and this  caused violent exchange between workers and police
      • Wednesday 22nd -20000 Putilov iron workers refused entry to factories after pay talks failed
      • Thursday 23rd -90000 workers strike and 50 factories closed this is the same day as women's march
      • Friday  24th -200000 workers strike with anti-tsarist banners
      • Saturday 25th  -250000 on strike Petrograd standstill police chief Shalfeev beaten to death and civilians killed at Nevskii Prospekt
      • Sunday 26th Rodzianko,Duma president asks tsar to form new govt Nicholas replies with stop meeting
      • Monday 27th tsar uses military force and 40 killed in city centre caused mutinies in Volynskii regiment -66000 munity -12 man pg set up and Petrograd soviet also set up
      • Tuesday  28th Nicholas leaves front and offers to share power with Rodzianko but 'the time for them has gone'
    • PG - influential elites and constitutional monarchists -only temporary - aim to make constituent assembly - set up in Duma chamber in Tauride palace
      • Dual power - amnesty for political prisoners -civil liberties -abolition of legal disabilities -right to TUs and elected assembly
    • Petrograd soviet -Mensheviks and SR and a few Bolsheviks - in left wing of Tauride palace - only 7/42 were workers
      • Dual power - amnesty for political prisoners -civil liberties -abolition of legal disabilities -right to TUs and elected assembly
    • Lenin returns and does speech on april theses
      • Power to transferred to soviets- war to end - all land given to peasants
    • Soviets set up everywhere and local committees peasants refused to pay rent workers want higher pay
    • July days  grain prices doubled caused by poor harvest and shortage of fuels so 586  factories closed and 100000 jobs lost increased demand for Bolshevik rule
    • October revolution
      • 10th Lenin calls meeting of bolshevik central committee to led a revolution
      • 20th the military revolutionarycommittee of the Petrograd soviet meet
      • 24-25th armed workers and soldier follow bolsheviks to take over key buildings in Petrograd
        • 5000  sailors and soldiers from Konstadt
        • Telephone exchange post office railways news agency state bank bridges and power station
      • 25-27th PG arrested and Congress's adopts Lenin's decree on peace and appoints soviet govt
        • Storming of winter palace with 10000-15000
    • Kornilov  affair -six regiments marched on Petrograd to crush soviets but Kerensky (new pm) panicked and released Bolshevik prisoners armed them to stop kornilov
    • Original  control had to establish bankers and civil servants refused to serve under them
    • 10 days of fighting between Bolshevik and PG by end Bolshevik dominated major towns
    • Bolshevuses propaganda against burzhui and closed anti-Bolshevik newspapers
    • Imprisoned opposition parties
    • Constituent assembly's elections show SRs to be most popular party so Lenin said the election proved nothing


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