1906 election (1)

  • Created by: MonsurAli
  • Created on: 14-06-17 23:39
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  • 1906 election
    • Boer war
      • Between 1899-1902. It was Britain vs the Boers and they fought in the Transvaal. Britain won but it was embarrassing.
        • This united the liberals, highlighted the issues with national inefficiency (and problems with recruitment) and imperialism was portrayed badly (imperialism was seen to be used for selfish reasons now)
    • Chinese slavery
      • Chinese slavery angered trade unions especially due to them driving wages down (cheap labour). There was also the moral argument that they were being mistreated and forced to live in overcrowded camps in South Africa.
        • The non-conformists were angered about the treatment of the Chinese, Trade Unions opposed it, unemployment was high at the time (with Chinese labour debate-ably taking jobs) and it was a gift to the Liberals to turn the workers against the Conservatives
    • Taff vale decision
      • 1902 the House of Lords declare that the Taff Vale railway company could sue the workers' trade union for lost profits due to strikes.
        • Conservatives lost support from workers because they refused to overrule the decision. It encourage trade union support via Labour or Liberal party who promised to reverse the decision.
    • Balfour's education act
      • All religious (Christian teaching) schools have to be funded by local rates (taxes). This meant non-conformists had to pay for Churches who they did not follow and felt as though they already had unfair advantages like the Church of England.
        • The Conservatives lost non-conformist support due to the decision despite it being quite a successful act.
    • Licensing act
      • 1904 there were too many brewers and pubs and the govt wanted to cut down on public houses. The Conservative offered compensation for closing down breweries and publicans.
        • This angered the non-conformists because tax payer money was being used for this. Many of them supported the Liberals anyway, it just consolidated their support for them.
    • Lib-Lab pact
      • The Liberals realised in some constituencies they would split the working class vote leading to Conservative success. This pact aimed to win more seats.
        • The Labour party ended up winning 29 seats (and then 1 more in a by-election) but it definitely helped concentrate working class votes away from the Conservatives
    • Tariff reform (imperial preference)
      • Chamberlain wanted to reintroduce tariffs so that British goods were more competitive with foreign. However some Conservatives believed in free trade, which split the party over this issue.
        • Many of the middle and working class Conservatives feared the fall in living standards which caused the split. This made the Cons look indecisive and weak, whilst the Liberals stayed united under free trade.
    • Neglect of social reform
      • The Boer war highlighted these inefficiencies and need for social reform. Work of Booth and Rowntree shows it too (35% of people in poverty and only 5% getting poor law help).
        • There was a physical decline in cities due to malnutrition which showed the lack of healthcare. 37% of men were deemed unfit to fight in the Boer war. Working class children were even shorter than middle class. The Cons failed to tackle this by only implementing one fairly ineffective education reform.
    • Balfour's failures
      • He was seen as uninterested in politics; an aloof man who lacked drive and direction.
        • He made the unusual decision to decide for his govt to step down which drew the election closer. He was known not to care a lot about public opinion and he was responsible for many of the other Cons failures.
    • New Liberalism
      • Encouraged state intervention and state should bring about social reforms. Liberals were united under this. They wanted to create a safety net, not reconstruct society.


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